Thursday, 10 March 2011

Sex in Advertising: Does it Sell?

   Sex appeal can increase the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because everywhere we look, we find ourselves inevitably drawn to images of scantily clad attractive men and women that are supposed to somehow inspire us to purchase products they endorse. Sex in advertising can be thought of as a sexual appeal. By its very nature, advertising is an applied form of persuasion that attempts to inform, position, convince, reinforce, differentiate, and ultimately sell products and services. As such, sexual appeals are persuasive messages integrated with sexual information into an overall message about a brand. Sure, this attention-getting strategy is popular.

   But, is it effective? It's human nature to be curious about sex, but it’s important to be very cautions when incorporating it in a campaign. Nudity and graphic erotic content, while still increasing consumer's attention, doesn't really generate positive feelings among viewers. In other words, advertisers must be careful to avoid the "cheap shot," which may negatively affect a brand's image.

   Celebrities can significantly increase consumer awareness, not to mention the positive press and “as seen on” slants that can now be associated with the product! There’s a belief that if we buy what a celebrity buys, then we too can be just like them and have a piece of that “better” life. For others, it may represent a dreamy reminder of the “better” life ’round the corner.

  I would also like to hear from your point of view, does sex sell for yourself? And not the doing the nasty term thank you, we all like that!!

   Please feel free to comment, criticize, or if you don't like reading this type of ballocks please, don't hesitate to tell me and ill stop, i just thought it would perspire into an interesting discussion! :)
              Thanks for reading! :)


  1. great post, i would say yes it does very well!

  2. Audrey Tautou is so beautiful

  3. sure it sells, just look around it is everywhere. And the line between what is decent and what sluttish is imho slowly disappearing..

  4. I heard once that every mainstream ad contains at least one reference to sex and at least one other to death, because those elicit the most subconscious responses that do statistically lead to brand loyalty. It's more a scientific/psychological thing then a sensationalistic thing, I guess is what I'm getting at.

  5. Very good stuff in your blog, and you're good writer. I have to follow this!

    Hope you guys check my blog also and add feedback and following, peace! :)

  6. It's weird, man. Yeah I pay attention to the sexual aspects of advertising, but I can't honestly say that it influences my purchasing of said product though.

    Like the Kylie Minogue video, sure I dug it, but it didn't make me want to buy the lingerie for my girlfriend...

  7. I'd buy those things.

  8. It depends. Most of the time, no. However, I have t-n-a moods for movies.

  9. I always buy things that are advertised by beautiful women ;)

  10. Iunno man, just makes me want to sleep with the girls. They can keep their fancy cologne and paraphernalia.

  11. 60% of the time it works every time

  12. I never tried it but Audrey Tautou is hot!

  13. Sex sells? Well, they still have to be subtle about it. Sometimes you see an ad and it looks like porno. Not that Im complaining. ;)
    But if you'd ask me what the ad was about, I couldn't tell ya..

  14. I'm agree with post #3 Audrey Tautou is so beautiful!!

  15. Interesting idea. I am definitely following you now!
    I would say sex sells for sure! Got me here :)

  16. I think sex rules everything in this world. Not just in Western societies, but sex plays a huge part in nature in general.

  17. Sex always sells. Personally, I wouldn't buy something just because a good looking man or woman is in the advertisements, but some people do. Not saying I wouldn't ogle for a bit, but hey.

  18. No idea what the hell they're selling. But damn, I'd like to watch that ad on loop. Guess it defeats the purpose huh? Followed!

  19. I always find these "sexy ads" to be quite stupid. they're so focused on the beauty of the commercial they lack the general point of trying to make you buy something.
